
Building a Framework for Media Self-Regulation in the Caribbean

Media self-regulation has become a major issue in recent years around the world. Here in the Caribbean, the need for such a mechanism has taken centre stage in press freedom as the public and private sector seek to counter what they perceive as irresponsible journalism. This is not to negate the argument that at times, certain types of journalistic output are not in accordance with internationally recognised standards.

In many instances, there have been attempts by governments to either impose mechanisms to circumscribe journalistic content. Within the past 10 years, advances in Internet-based and Social Media have seen the impositions shifting gears under the guise of countering misinformation and disinformation. This new form of control has manifested itself through Cybercrime laws, some of which have not only by their very nature entrenched criminal defamation but seek to dampen freedom of expression and press freedom.

In this context, the Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM) presents a discussion paper by noted Caribbean journalist and press freedom advocate titled “Building a Framework for Media Self-Regulation in the Caribbean”. That paper can be read here Media Self-Regulation Discussion Paper(wg)